IC Holding Surdurulebilirlik
Can Çaka attended the “Clean and Safe Energy Regional Conference”

IC Holding CEO Can Çaka attended the Clean and Safe Energy Regional Conference organized by the Atlantic Council. At the conference, IC Holding’s vision for sustainable energy solutions and the projects of its group company IC Enterra that contribute to the energy transformation both in Türkiye and around the world were detailed.

Çaka said, “As IC Holding, we are proud to be among the institutions leading the energy transformation. We have 25 years of experience in the field of renewable energy. Starting with our hydroelectric power plants and accelerating with our solar and wind power plant investments, we overcome the efficiency and continuity problems encountered in the field of renewable energy by developing hybrid power plants and investing in energy storage technologies.” He stated that they aim to contribute to energy transformation with the steps taken in sustainable energy solutions and innovative approaches.