Sustainability Strategy
For IC Holding, global sustainability decisions and international agreements signed by Türkiye stand for more than a change in legislation. The Holding and Group Companies take swift action within the scope of agreements and decisions and undertake pioneering projects in the sectors in which they operate. ICA was the first among private motorway operators in Türkiye to publish a sustainability report. Many Group Companies from tourism to construction and industry are engaged in sustainability efforts. Accordingly, processes, which started long before the current international agenda and were carried out within each company, were centralized.
For IC Holding, sustainability is seen as an integral part of the corporate approach and the goal is to implement all priorities and principles determined on the sustainability axis with the participation of Group Companies and employees.
IC Holding aims to undertake all activities of the Group Companies in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with its Sustainability Policy prepared in line with its sustainability approach, which it defines as “Impact of Development”.