IC Holding Surdurulebilirlik
Semra Sevinç
Sustainability Academy Board Member Semra Sevinç

As Sustainability Academy, we work as an information, cooperation and communication center to be effective together with all stakeholders to shape a better future in the business world, to grow the impact together and to accelerate change and transformation.
Our aim is to mobilize all stakeholders for a better future and to be a bridge for the work that will enable them to achieve results in this direction.

The economic, environmental and social risks faced in today's world make it mandatory for the business world to renew and transform business models and strategies on the axis of sustainability. In the corporate sustainability transformation process that IC Holding has started with the aim of becoming one of the leading organizations of the new economy, we are very pleased to cooperate in many areas, especially in education. Within the scope of employee information and competence development, which is one of the most important pillars of corporate sustainability transformation, we have completed the long-term "IC Sustainability Team Certificate Programme", which we carried out together with IC Holding and which covers the most important issues of change throughout the value chain, in a highly efficient and successful manner. We had valuable collaborations at the Green Business Summit and Sustainable Food Summit. On the other hand, ICA İÇTAŞ Infrastructure, one of the group companies, is also on the SDG Map Turkey platform.

As the Academy, we will continue to guide the business world towards a better future in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that our cooperation with our valuable stakeholder IC Holding will increase in this process and we will carry out productive works.

Stakeholder Opinion

Günseli Çeçen

The educational scholarships that Mr. İbrahim Çeçen, IC Holding Chairman, started to provide personally in 1984, started to meet with students in a more institutionalized structure with the establishment of the IC İbrahim Çeçen Foundation in 2004. Our foundation continues its activities in the fields of education, health, sports and cultural development.

Günseli Çeçen

IC Foundation Chairperson
Stakeholder Opinion
Abdulhalik KARABULUT

Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, which was established in 2007 in Ağrı, one of the frontier provinces of our country, and honorably bears the name of İbrahim Çeçen, a philanthropist businessman who is a volunteer for education, is a higher education institution that prioritizes raising qualified young people who will take part in the future of our country.

Prof. Dr. Abdulhalik KARABULUT

Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Rector
Stakeholder Opinion
Konca Çalkıvik

As BCSD Türkiye, we have been working for 20 years to guide the business world to realize their green transformation goals in their sustainable development journey.

Konca Çalkıvik

Stakeholder Opinion
Tuğçe Söğüt

The Impact Investing and Advisory Board (EYDK), the first and only national advisory board focused on impact investing in Türkiye, has been working since its inception to facilitate the development of impact investing and build an impact investing ecosystem that fosters sustainable growth in Türkiye.

Tuğçe Söğüt
