IC Holding Surdurulebilirlik
"DENK" Gender Equality - Inclusive Language Guideline is now available.

"DENK" Inclusive Language Guideline, developed as part of the DENK project and implemented in accordance with IC Holding's Gender Equality Policy, has been published.

The guideline attempts to put a stop to inequality and promote awareness against the judgemental stereotypes that settle in our language. It was prepared with the awareness that the power of words decides actions and has an effect on inequality between men and women.

About the “DENK” Project

As a result of the establishment of IC Holding's sustainability management system and determination of priority issues, gender equality has become one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on which the IC Holding and Group Companies will focus.

"DENK" project is aimed at doing research to reinforce the relevant SDGs in IC Holding and Group Companies, as well as strengthen gender equality practices within the company and play an active role in this regard. Diversity and equal opportunity are not only necessary for a productive and respectful workplace, but they are also critical components on the path to sustainable development. The DENK project was launched with the goal to create a workplace that is free from discrimination and to play an active role in raising gender equality awareness at all stages of IC Holding's operations.