IC Holding Surdurulebilirlik

Governance Structure

IC Holding has established a governance structure in which operational and strategic level responsibilities are defined for the establishment of a Sustainability Management System (SMS) for all Group Companies, as well as the management and effective monitoring of sustainability issues.

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for reviewing corporate policies, strategies, roadmaps, risks and opportunities within the framework of sustainability priorities, setting sustainability targets and performance criteria, approving/ratifying sustainability-related budgets, representing IC Holding in international and local channels, and authorizing and coordinating the Working Groups.

The working groups are responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring, revising and reporting performance-boosting actions/projects for sustainability priorities in thematic areas in line with the strategies, decisions and targets set by the Sustainability Committee. The working groups were named in line with IC Holding’s material SDGs and needs, and their members were selected from among the IC Sustainability Team.