IC Holding Surdurulebilirlik

Sustainability Priorities and Goals

“IC Holding Sustainability Materiality Analysis” was conducted for the first time in 2022 in order to determine the topics prioritized by IC Holding in the field of sustainability. The study was carried out with the survey method, covering the internal and external stakeholders of IC Holding. A total of 1,096 responses were received from stakeholders including IC Holding employees, suppliers, business partners, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), universities, public institutions, customers, foreign stakeholders, finance unit and IC Holding senior management. With the exclusion of 395 responses that were not scored by the participants and in which all material topics were given full points, the number of responses evaluated was determined as 701. Within the scope of the survey, the material topics evaluated by the participants were determined following the sector analysis and interviews with IC Holding representatives.

According to the results of the survey, 13 of the 21 - material topics included in the survey were evaluated as the highest priority topics by both internal and external stakeholders.

Ethics, Compliance and Anti-Corruption

Occupational Health and Safety

Combatting the Climate Crisis and Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy

Employee Rights and Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality

Corporate Governance


Plastics and Water Management

Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Inclusion

Risk Management

Stakeholder Relations and Management

Responsible Supply Chain Management

Contribution to Local Economy and Employment

Circular Economy


Following the meetings held with the senior management for the topics identified as the highest priority according to the survey results for the creation of IC Holding’s strategy for alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG-5, SDG-8, SDG-9 and SDG-13 were identified as the shared SDGs of IC Holding within the scope of IC Holding’s activities and sustainability targets.

While activities are carried out in harmony with all other SDGs, focal sub-working groups have been established within the IC Holding Sustainability Governance Structure to carry out activities specific to these shared SDGs.

In addition to the said shared SDGs, Group Companies may also include other SDGs in their materiality lists, considering their corporate structure and priorities in their fields of activity.

Climate Action
Gender Equality
Decent Work And Economic Growth
Industiry Innovation And Infrastructure


IC Holding, whose mission is to make sustainability a culture, carries out all its activities with the awareness of its responsibility towards future generations and prioritizes sustainability for all business models with the Impact of Development approach while planning its future operations. In this context, in addition to its operational targets, it also defines its sustainability targets for material topics, including their deadlines and the SDGs they are related to.